Another direct-to-camera talk on mental health. This time around, I’m preparing for a new interview and my anxiety is high. I use my cannabis...
Category - Get Real
Mental health talks
Psst. I have a secret to tell you. It’s not a disability, it’s a super power. Yes, my mental health struggles come with some downsides...
I just quit my job. And I had to be honest about why. It was a difficult decision, but one that was important to make. It also triggered some...
This week I talk about what happens when things are going really well. I like to call it “anti-depression” because depression feels like...
I finally made a video about resilience! A couple of things happened this week that have my imposter syndrome making an appearance. I talk about...
I just wrapped an interview that has me very excited. How has my resilience been impacted in the past weeks? Find out, and learn about box breathing...