Cannabis Reviews, Vape Cart Reviews
Cannabis Cart Review: GLTO by Ambr
P.S. We’re back with the old review format, and did I ever miss it. 🙂 The lighting was crazy this week since I filmed earlier than usual (the joys of being unemployed) but the new camera setup held up well. There are some slight glitches that should be ironed out soon (I’m running on Apple’s Beta software).
New videos drop every Friday at 7pm. Hit the subscribe button and you won’t miss a thing!
Hi! I’m Andy. I use cannabis to help treat my anxiety and depression. As a first time user over the age of 40, I was anxious about my journey into weed. I found it difficult to find resources or content that was easy to digest, wasn’t filled with slang terms or in-jokes, and had a focus on the effects when viewed from a mental health perspective. My reviews are simple, honest, and approachable.